Friday, February 11, 2011

Help with Blogging

I am still waiting for some of my students to post. In the meantime, I hope they will follow my suggestions and use the HELP to get answers to their questions. I found the following very helpful:

Here's a great quick video about how to use the help sections:

Watch and then send me your comments! What did YOU think of the help sections?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Last week we learned about NEWS AND VIEWS BLOGS, and my students created PERSONAL blog spaces. Their focus will be news and views about what you are learning at ICSA. I am curious to see what they will come up with.

These are some student and teacher blogs I've come across, including one by one of our old Kindergarten teachers. They are all pretty good, and each is unique.

Today students are to RESPOND to any comments that they got, write your SECOND post - a reflection on something you have studied this week and found interesting. Research the topic, find a picture that relates to it. ADD the picture to your post, and work on their DESIGN and PROFILE, add GADGETS and add them.

I am curious to see what they come up with!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Q3 Exploring Blogs

This year we're exploring a different type of blog - eblogger. All the students and I are creating our own blog accounts so we can share our LIT Skills work, and other ICSA experiences. I hope they enjoy this project. I look forward to seeing what they all come up with!